Poison Prevention Week: The Importance of Understanding Toxic Air Pollution
Every March, National Poison Prevention Week is recognized as a way to spread awareness about toxins of all kinds, especially ones that are detrimental to human health. A form of poison that we often do not think about is the pollution that is invading our indoor and outdoor air. Whether it is carbon monoxide (CO) as a result of vehicle exhausts or microscopic asbestos fibers from a home renovation, hidden dangers lurk within all facets of our lives.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 91 percent of the global population lives in areas where the air is deemed polluted. In order for us to combat this, we must understand how our carbon footprints are affecting the environment, and what we can do to reduce hazardous pollution that is a byproduct of our everyday activities.
Things such as carpooling or riding a bike to get from place to place can reduce CO emissions, something that can protect our well-beings in the long run. CO has been linked to short-term health issues such as dizziness, confusion, and headaches. If exposed to CO for a prolonged period of time, serious complications can arise such as permanent damage to the brain, cardiac issues, and even death. CO is also hazardous to the environment by creating a potentially harmful ground level ozone, which can create problems amongst our plants and wildlife.
For more information about carbon monoxide and the hazards associated with your health, check out the EPA’s page on CO.
With spring cleaning and home renovation season right around the corner, it is important to be cognizant of our indoor air and the toxins that we may exposing ourselves to. As mentioned previously, asbestos is a seriously harmful toxin that can create havoc within our internal organs. Asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma cancer, a rapidly progressing disease that is often misdiagnosed due to symptoms that mimic less severe aliments. If your home was built prior to 1980, it is vital to have it tested for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and other toxins such as lead and benzene before renovating and cleaning.
To get involved in National Poison Prevention Week, consider spreading awareness by sharing this article across all platforms of social media. The more people that are involved in this initiative, the faster the results will be in reducing the pollution that causes so much damage to our health and environment year after year.
For more information about mesothelioma cancer and asbestos exposure, check out mesothelioma.com.