“Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved!”, The First Weather Book We Didn’t Want to Put Down
Randy Cerveny, in his latest book Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved!, has transformed the study of weather patterns and phenomenon from boring to fun! In 22 succinct and fascinating chapters, Cerveny tells the story of many of what he calls “weather mysteries,” some of which include The Mysteries of Weather and Climate in Ancient Greece (where he unpacks weather described in Homer’s The Odyssey), The Mystery of the Saharan Hippo (where he explains how traces of a water beast could be found in the middle of the Sahara Desert), and The Mystery of the Mayan Megadrought (where Cerveny hypothesizes about the extinction of the Mayan race). Each chapter begins and ends with a story of a fictional individual experiencing a weather event, and in between, Cerveny cleverly interjects with his own distinct voice and explanations. Indeed, Cerveny also adds personal stories and experiences into the text, which draws him that much closer to his reader.
Not only does Cerveny, a President’s Professor in Geographical Sciences at Arizona State University, submit a variety of interesting theories regarding weather mysteries, but he also provides his reader with a wealth of information about new scientific studies, technologies, and the opinions of other experts in the weather and climate fields– All of which emerges as surprisingly interesting when told in Cerveny’s simple and comedic tone. Cerveny also adds his own opinion on modern climate change and points out what he thinks are legitimate claims and fears and what he thinks, frankly, is BS. It is this honest yet easygoing position that makes Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved! a very successful book, and a very appealing read.
Have you read “Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved!”? Is Randy Cerveny your professor at ASU? Comment!
by M. Molendyke