
Can Recycling Increase Your Attractiveness?

shutterstock_95091373Who knew that recycling could make people consider you more attractive? Usually when I’m at a restaurant or and at party and ask “is there somewhere that this can be recycled?” the response I get is “Are you serious? Relax.” but according to the results of a poll by PepsiCo I may be hanging around the wrong people.

During a survey of 1,140 Americans, PepsiCo found that many Americans over the age of 18 find recycling an attractive, mate worthy trait. Hooray!

The study found the following:
– 40% of people said they would have a more positive opinion of someone if they learned they recycled
– 21% of people said they would be turned off if they found out on the first date the other person didn’t recycle.
– 2 in 5 respondents want a significant other who cares about the environment

Improved sex appeal (attractiveness) is a pretty powerful incentive. For many people increasing attractiveness may be a more powerful incentive then increasing sustainability and doing our part to protect the environment.

Of course, the numbers still need to be improved upon. Only 2 in 5 people want a significant other who cares about the environment?  I personally would appreciate higher numbers, but websites like Glamour and Yahoo found PepsiCo’s findings significant enough to share.

Though only 40% said that finding out the other person recycled would increase their positive perception of the person, it’s still a higher percent then finding out the person has a graduate degree (25%) , impressive job (18%), or good saving (8%).

I would also like to bring up another thing to consider when thinking about the “positive results” of PepsiCo’s study. There is a bias to self reporting. Most people wouldn’t admit out loud that they prefer a person with status to a person with environmental values. So the accuracy of the results can be questioned.

But any way you interpret it, recycling probably won’t hurt your appeal.


bubble love via shutterstock

young couple via shutterstock

9 Cleaning Guides to Keep Your Home Green

By: Guest Contributor, Roger Gallager


Cleaning your house doesn’t need to look like a chemical warfare. You don’t need to use the same cleaning agents that are not only harmful to your health, but are also not environment friendly. It’s a safer idea to go back to basics when it comes to fixing most common cleaning problems. Keeping your house clean usually comes with toxic fumes and hazardous components, but the good news is that you can change it.



Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Common household cleaning products are usually made from harmful chemicals designed specially to kill most types of bacteria. Along with this, it exposes you and your loved ones to danger and illness. According to Phillip Dickey of Washington Toxics Coalition, the most dangerous cleaning products are oven cleaners; drain cleaners, and acidic toilet bowl cleaners. These chemicals can cause severe burns in the skin, eyes, or esophagus and throat if ingested. Ingredients with higher amount of toxic include ammonia and bleach, which can produce fumes that are highly irritating to the eyes, nose and lungs and shouldn’t be used by people with lungs or heart problems. Knowing these, switching to homemade cleaning alternatives should be a no-brainer.


The list is long for these natural cleaning ingredients that you can use. An article from DMCI Leasing provides some of the most common and most effective cleaning alternatives and some tips on how to use them. And here, is an easy guide for your household cleaning projects.


Baking Soda Rules Them All


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Baking Soda can be used in almost every household chore; from the kitchen to your garage. Baking soda is effective with removing stubborn stains from surfaces. Create a paste (3 parts baking soda, 1 part water) then apply and let stand before scrubbing or wiping it clean. It also helps keep odors away simply by sprinkling it to garbage bins, carpets, and even to your dog’s fur!


What to Trust with Rust


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Vinegar is another versatile alternative household cleaner. The vinegar reacts to rust making it easier to dissolve off of the metal. Simply soak the metal in vinegar for few hours before scrubbing it off. You can also try to soak it for 24 hours to lessen scrubbing efforts. Another option is to use salt and lime. Simply sprinkle salt before juicing a lime over the top. Let it set for 2-3 hours before scrubbing.



Wood Furniture Cleaning


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Oils work like magic. Use essential oils depending on your needs. Lemon for deodorizing, eucalyptus and tea tree for sanitizing and peppermint for purifying are some examples. Olive oil can also be used by combining it with vinegar in 2:1 ratio. Use a cloth to wipe wooden furniture rubbing off scratches, or use warm olive oil to prevent other wooden materials such as rattan from cracking. Add 1/2 cup of beeswax and 1-½ cups of olive oil to keep your wooden furniture from drying out. If you don’t want to worry about mixing, use coconut oil as an alternative.



Having Pain with Laundry Stain?


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Different types of stain need different types of cleaner. White vinegar, baking soda, salt, and lemons, are the most usual eco-friendly cleaners that you can use. One example, for cleaning blood or wine stains, put salt on top of the stain while your cloth acts like a cover of a bowl, then pour hot water directly onto it.



Smells Fishy


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Foul odors are not unusual with storage compartments especially with refrigerators. If you don’t always have the time to clean it, try leaving charcoals or citrus rind regularly and see how it works. Alternatively, you can use onions every now and then.



Termites and Pests


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Getting rid of termites and pests is important in preserving your home. There are over 300 varieties of termites but the subterranean termites are the ones that cause 95% of the damage. You can eliminate this by crushing an Aloe plant and soaking it in water. You can then use it to spray directly onto pests or wooden materials. Orange oil is also very effective to get rid of these pests. For prevention, mix borates (commonly known as borax) with water and spray it onto doors, walls, and other wooden materials.


Glass Cleaners


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Cleaning glass panels can be done easily using homemade ingredients. Use ¼ cup of vinegar, 2 cups of water, and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Combine them all in a spray bottle and shake very well as cornstarch might settle in the bottom. Cornstarch and water can be eliminated if you prefer to do so. You can use a squeegee or an old newspaper to wipe it off. Make sure your newspaper is at least two weeks old to avoid ink transfer.


Ease with Cleaning Grease


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Instead of using your dishwashing soap, you can again depend on vinegar and baking soda. Spray vinegar on surfaces and let it sit for few minutes before wiping it clean, or sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge and use it to wipe down greased surface.



It’s Not Just for Oral Hygiene


Image from Flickr, Creative Commons


Toothpaste has a lot of surprising tricks to offer aside from preventing cavities. Some examples of usage for toothpaste are cleaning your bathroom mirrors, bottom of your flat iron, bathroom sink and other ceramics, making your chrome shine, and even crayon on your walls. Just make sure you don’t forget to separate your cleaning toothbrush and the one you use for your mouth!


Cleaning with natural, eco-friendly alternatives are not only easy, but are cheap. You can save your family and your house from chemical exposure and improve their health in the long run. After all, creating mixtures and combining ingredients is not that complicated. All we need is an ounce of creativity.


Roger Gallager is a Daily Caller contributor. Follow him @RogerGallager.

EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program ranks Streaming Options by Energy Efficiency


The average American spends about five hours per day watching television—and this year over two-thirds will do so through streaming. As consumers are weighing which streaming option will work best for their budget and their needs, EPA has another factor they’d like consumers to consider: energy efficiency and the environment.

For the first time, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has ranked streaming options by energy efficiency. As TVs get bigger and bigger and set top boxes and new game consoles demand more energy than previous generations, binge-watching “Friends” now has potential to suck energy as well as time! With ENERGY STAR’s recommended approaches to streaming, consumers can save energy and time.  And less energy means less greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

The following infographic summarizes energy-efficient streaming, and provides these tips on how to save energy with consumer electronics:

  • Televisions are now manufactured with multiple screen settings and options that can affect the power consumption of your television. Set your television to the “home” or “standard” setting, which uses less energy. Reducing the brightness can reduce your television’s energy use by 18 to 30 percent.
  • Always look for the ENERGY STAR when shopping for new home electronics products—they will use 25-30 percent less energy than standard equipment.
  • A game console is great for games, but if used for streaming, it can use as much as 171 watts of power! Save energy by using your laptop or tablet instead.


Eco Friendly Gift Guidelines

shutterstock_66510676With the holidays just a short distance away everyone seems to be rushing around trying to find the perfect gift. Looking for a gift that provides maximum personal impact but minimal environmental impact can be hard. Especially smaller ticket gift items for people you don’t really know like Secret Santas, Coworkers, long lost cousins, or brothers girlfriends.

Green Hot Tip: Think Local, Think Natural, Think Recycled!

As my “gift” to ENN blog readers I have put together a short set of guidelines to help you come up with the “perfect gift”.

Make A Hand-Made Gift From The Heart
Honestly, hand-made gifts are my favorite. Not only hand-made gifts fit my budget but they also seem to really please my friends and family. Knowing that someone put their soul into making you a gift is extremely satisfying.

Make A Donation in The Persons Name
Some people aren’t material and would appreciate you donating to an important environmental or social cause in their name. Donating is also a good gift for the person who already has everything.
Just remember to consider the gift receivers values before deciding where to donate.

Give a Locally Sourced Food Productshutterstock_150667202
If you’re the type who likes to give fancy chocolates and olives as a gift try giving something locally sourced, like your favorite jam from the local farmers market.
Another food related idea is to make frozen meals for a friend who doesn’t have the time or skill to cook.

Give A Gift That Can Be Enjoyed Outside
Instead of giving a gift that keeps a person “plugged in” give a gift that helps inspire the user to go outdoors! Everyone loves the outdoors; most people just don’t know it yet.

Give A Gift Made From Upcycled/Recycled Goods
Many stores now carry eco-friendly options for goods made from repurposed materials.

Give A Gift That Helps Prevent Waste
Everybody loves to save money. Before choosing a gift consider whether there is an option that is reusable or requires lower energy consumption.

There is no shame in Regifting. I said it, and I mean it. What’s the use of a gift if all it does is take up space in your closet? Just remember that the gift should be in good shape and to avoid the original gift giver.
Regifting is a great idea for Secret Santas and grab bags.

Give The Gift of Service
We cannot survive without a little help from our friends. The gift of service, instead of goods, is perfect for a friend who is always busy or needs help fixing/assembling something but doesn’t have the money to hire someone.

Wrap Responsibly

Instead of buying brand new wrapping paper from virgin trees use newspaper, fabric, or magazines found around the house. If you really want to buy wrapping  paper look at non-virgin options made from recycled paper.

Remember, First Think Local
And if that doesn’t work here are some websites with eco-friendly gift options:


Green Wrapped Gift via Shutterstock

Gift Giving via Shutterstock

Holiday Toast via Shutterstock


Natural Cleaning Tips To Avoid Termites And Pests From Pestering Your Home

By: Guest Contributor, Aby Nicole League 


Image by Aleksey Gnilenkov via Flickr

It’s crazy how we sweat over small things.  And by small, I mean tiny little creatures that share habitation in our home.  These pesky little pests, insects, and termites make themselves at home and real occupants of the house end up smashing, squishing,  and spraying all sorts of pesticides until our home reeks of stinking odor.


The problem with pesticides is that it is poison.  It can be inhaled, absorbed through your skin, and ingested.  The World Health Organization estimates that there are three million cases of pesticide poisoning each year including more than 200,000 deaths primarily in developing countries.  Children are the most vulnerable to harmful effects of toxic chemicals found in most commercially-available pesticides.  Exposure to toxic pesticides may damage the neurological system and linked to asthma, allergies, and even cancer and reproduction problems through hormone disruption.


Photo by jetsandzeppelins via Flickr

Pesticides are also harmful to the environment.  They are a main source of water and air pollution. When they are sprayed, it is impossible to limit their reach to targeted pests only and inevitably contaminates the areas around them.


Beginning from the home, we must learn to get rid of pests naturally.  Green and organic ways of cleaning the house have become increasingly popular these days and for a good reason.


Shut Them Out

The first rule: don’t let the pests in.  Prevent these creatures from entering your home by getting rid of damp areas and standing water that attract insects.  Don’t leave water under house plants and fix your plumbing system.  Block possible hiding places and seal openings in walls.  Don’t store newspapers and magazines for far too long because they make a cozy home for pests.


Photo by Werwin15 via Flickr


Don’t inadvertently feed them.  Manage food scraps and throw the trash frequently.  Store opened food items in tightly-closed containers that pests can’t chew on.  Don’t leave dirty dishes and even pet food out for too long.  Regularly clean areas and cabinets where food is stored.  Show these pests that they have no business in your home.


Operation: Ant Control

Do you see a trail of ants on your walls?  A pinch of sugar left on the table or a piece of candy that a toddler leaves behind can start an ant revolution in your home.


There are green ways to clean our house of ants.  Among the most effective is keeping a spray soap bottle.  Just two teaspoons of liquid castile or vegetable-based soap in a gallon of water make a good natural alternative in dealing with pesky ants.  The anti-bacterial substances found in soap keep ants at bay.


Most ants hate cucumbers so leave peels and slices in the ants’ point of entry, usually in the linings of the door or window.  Trace the ant column and put tea bags of mint tea, cayenne pepper, citrus oil, cinnamon or coffee grounds.  Ants are known to have aversion on these things.


Soak cotton balls in a solution of one liter of water, one teaspoon of borax, and a cup of sugar.  Place the soaked cotton ball in a container with holes to allow access to ants.  This will serve as bait that ants will carry over and kill their colony.  Remember to keep soaked balls from children and pets.


Dust Mites In Our Midst

Dust mites are everywhere.  They are in our sheets, mattresses, pillows, throw rugs, carpets, sofa, furniture, and our kids’ stuffed toys.


Wash your beddings at 55 degrees Celsius or higher because detergents have no effect on mites unless water temperature is high.    Cover mattresses and pillows with laminated covers that dust mites can’t penetrate.


Create a mixture of baking soda and essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, or wintergreen. They are known to absorb moisture, deodorize, and sanitize.  This duo is known to be among the most effective natural cleaning alternatives. After washing in hot water, sift the mixture across your mattress and beddings and leave for at least an hour before vacuuming. Repeat this every two to three months.


Photo by Mark Faviell via Flickr


Citrus For Fleas

Fleas enter our homes through our pets or our visitors’ pets.  Aside from bathing and grooming pets regularly, clean and vacuum areas in the house that they frequent.  Before reaching for that pesticide, go for citrus.  Citrus is a natural flea deterrent.  Just pour a cup of boiling water over a slice lemon (including skin) to release more citrus oil.  Let this soak overnight and sponge on your dog to kill fleas instantly.  Adding garlic or apple cider vinegar to your pet’s food will also help. Remember that this is only advisable for dogs, never for cats.


Terminate Termites With Orange

When it comes to termites, prevention is still the key.  When infestation becomes so great, expert intervention becomes necessary.  Prevent termites from pestering the foundations of your home by clearing wood debris, wood piles, and stored lumber around your home and crawling spaces.  Fix leaky pipes and make sure downspouts don’t direct water to your home.  The same soapy solution used for ants can be sprayed on termites.  You may also use orange oil.  It is an extract obtained from orange peels and is insoluble in water.  Drill small holes into the infested wood and inject orange oil. It will yield results within three days or three weeks depending on the degree of infestation.


Catnip For Roaches, Garlic For Mosquitoes

Cockroaches and mosquitoes are two of the most common house pests.  A clean home is still the best defense and there are natural cleaning tips with green alternatives to defeat these little monsters.


Catnip is a natural roach repellent.  It has nepetalactone, which is harmful to roaches but not humans.  Leave sachets of catnip in roach-infested areas.  You may also mix catnip in water and spray in the hiding places of cockroaches.


For mosquitoes, mix one part garlic juice with five parts water and dip strips of cotton cloth in them. Hang them in patios or areas in the house that mosquitoes love.


Cleaning your house regularly is still the best pest deterrent.  Don’t make your home friendly to pests by finding easy, affordable, and green ways to clean your house.  However, when pests manage to still get in, don’t grab that toxic pesticide spray right away.  Go to your kitchen and find safe alternatives there to get rid of pests naturally and include them in your house cleaning routine.


About the Author: Aby League is a qualitative researcher and a passionate writer. She is an innovator and technology enthusiast. She has been writing about health, psychology, home improvement and technology. To know her more, follow @abyleague on Twitter.


Another Brick In The Toilet

shutterstock_90741890On the ENN blog we are always talking about simple ways to reduce our impact, whether it is weather proofing our home, increasing what we recycle, or remembering to turn off the lights after we leave the room. While browsing our affiliate Care2’s website I came upon the suggestion of “dropping a brick” into your toilet as a way to save water.

“Hold up,“ you say. “Dropping a brick in the toilet, is that some kind of poop pun?”

Yes, it is, but it is also a strategy to reduce the amount of water wasted while flushing the toilet.

The strategy of dropping a brick in the back of your toilet is not a new one. I can remember seeing a brick in the back of a toilet when I was a kid. The brick displaces the water in the back of toilet, keeping the pressure the same but causing the toilet to use a half a gallon less water per flush! The issue with dropping a “real brick” in the back of a toilet is that over time the brick may decompose, releasing pieces of sand and stone into your toilet bowl and pipes.

An easy fix for this would be to place your brick (or other solid object) in a plastic bag before placing it in the back of your toilet.

In 2014, about 1/3 of the States in the US have faced categorically serious drought, one of the most notable being California. According to the EPA Americans use more water flushing the toilet then any other water consumption category, including showering. Displacing the water in the back of the toilet can help reduce this waste of water.

Another fix is the “Drop-A-Brick” which is currently launching a campaign on Indiegogo. “Drop a Brick” is a lightweight rubber brick filled with expanding hydro gel. Below you can watch the promotional PSA for “Drop-A-Brick”. The video is “filled to the brim” of puns but also aims to help Californians address the drought from the security of their own toilet.

Happy Flushing!


Man in Toilet Via Shutterstock

5 Hot Tips to Keep You Warm this Winter




Keeping your home warm has a big energy impact—taking up the biggest portion of your annual utility bill. Energy used in the average home results in 24,100pounds of CO2 emissions per year, costing you more than $2,000.


As a part of ENERGY STAR’s annual heating season outreach, here are 5 Hottest Tips to Keep You Warm:


1.       Keep the cold out and the warm in

2.       Heat your home efficiently

3.       Program for savings

4.       Make “bright” choices for lighting

5.       Save energy while enjoying the football season


See more at www.energystar.gov/heating.


You can also check out ENERGY STAR’s Rule Your Attic—an effort to help more homeowners to measure and improve their attic insulation, which could result in up to 20 percent on heating bills.


The Heating Season Footprint Infographic can be viewed here.

Organic Dry Cleaning?

I dread my semi-annual trip to the dry cleaners. Unfortunately, it is inevitable, unless of course I unfashionably decide to live the rest of my life draped in garbage bags in order to deter ever fleck of dirt and every ounce of tomato sauce.  Lately, while going on the dreaded task, I have noticed a new “green option” in dry cleaning, “organic dry cleaning”.  It sounds environmentally friendly, but what does “organic dry cleaning” mean?

Organic is a word usually used to describe agricultural businesses based on a list of requirements by the FDA. To my knowledge we don’t farm or eat dry cleaning. Since there is no real standard for organic dry cleaning, the term organic refers to the non use of the chemical perchloroethylene, usually referred to as “perc”

“Perc” is the main solvent used in conventional dry cleaning. Perc has been studied by the EPA and deemed hazardous to human health. Use of perc is regulated through the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act . Many states, like California have plans to phase the use of perc in conventional dry cleaning all together.

There are 3 main organic perc-free dry cleaning options, patended “Green Earth Cleaning”, CO2 Cleaning, and Hydrocarbon Cleaning.

GreenEarth Cleaning, also known as D-5, uses a silicone based solvent which decomposes into silica, water, and small amounts of carbon dioxide. This is harmless to handlers using the product and the environment after it is disposed of but the process to manufacture it releases traces of the carcinogen dioxin.

CO2 Cleaning is the newest and most expensive form of perc-free dry cleaning. It involves machinery that converts CO2 from gas, to liquid for cleaning, then back to gas. CO2 cleaning keeps fabric chemical free. Because of its increased cost the adoption of this process has been slow.

Hydrocarbon cleaning is the oldest, and cheapest, alternative to perc cleaning. It uses a chemical very similar in chemical composition to perc but is less hazardous to the environment and workers.  The chemical used for hydrocarbon cleaning is very volatile and can leave a smell on clothes.

Organic options are becoming more and more readily available at dry cleaners, but not all options are equal. Be sure to ask the dry cleaners what process they use before selecting your organic process.

Dry Cleaning via Shutterstock

5 Holiday Habits That Will Make You More Eco-Friendly

By: Guest Contributor, Roger Gallager


Bet you’re starting to plan your holiday menu, or maybe picturing your holiday decorations. How about a holiday-getaway?

More than thinking about the nearing holiday celebrations, this season is also a good time to give back to your loved ones and the world at large. From holiday decorations of your home to gifts, food and habits, holiday offers a multitude of opportunities to shift and go green.

So, come on. Give your family the best celebration with a good conscience by painting your holiday green.

Below are the some green habits that will help you have eco-friendly holidays!


1.    Rethink and Recycle Holiday Decors

Holiday season has always been associated with excessive buying, wrapping, post-holiday waste. In fact, according to US Environmental Protection Agency, the volume of household wastes generally increase up to 25%, about 1 million extra tons of wastes, during the holiday season. However, this time of the year is the best time to reduce, reuse and repurpose the remnants of last year’s holiday cheer.

Stop throwing old decors to trash quite yet.

Photo by Shelterness via Pinterest

For one, you can put a new spin to your old jars and make it a your candle holder. You can doll it up and put some colorful paint dots to it. Ask your kids and other members of the household to participate and design their own jar.

You can also recycle your old cereal boxes to Christmas stars. All you need is an empty cereal box, glue and embellishments of your choice.  This can be a cheap and eco-friendly alternative to a metal star on top of your Christmas tree. You can also reinvent your own decorations with just old light bulbs, tin cans, bottles and even sweaters. This recycling habit can save you a couple of bucks. Isn’t that awesome?


2.     Draw Germs Out Your House With Natural Cleansers

Holiday wastes and stains are probably your greatest nightmares. Using chemical and regular cleaning solutions can be a lot harmful than helpful.  Yes, they can kill germs and make your countertops shiny but this most of these cleaners contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Though, there have been non-toxic products being sold commercially, it is best to make your own as most of its ingredients are readily available in your kitchen.

Photo by One Good Thing via Pinterest

Baking soda, in fact, could possibly replace all your household cleaners. It kills bacteria, cleans, deodorizes and polishes. It can take away stubborn dirt and stains in your bathroom and carpets. It can also be used as stink-remover. Vinegar, lemon, cornstarch, coffee and salt are some of the natural cleaners that are also easily available. They’re cheap, chemical and toxic-free. These won’t only save you pennies for unwarranted chemical cleaners but you also reduce chemical footprint in your house through your kitchen favorites. Celebrate holidays without worry.


3.     Greenify Your Holiday Shopping List

From using ‘green’ and natural cleaning alternatives to ensuring your shopping list should be part of your holiday habits. Every purchase matters and has impact to the environment. This does not mean you have to literally buy bags of green veggies. Having a green shopping list means being conscious how the products are grown or produced.


Photo by CaplanMiller via Pinterest

Instead of buying in small amounts, it’s smarter to buy in bulk if your budget permits. Also keep in mind if the product is efficient or it just generates more wastes. You can also reuse packaging or bring your own bag for your grocery items. Every year, millions of plastic bags are being dumped in landfills and oceans. You don’t want to contribute to that statistics, do you?


4.     Lower Energy Use of Holiday Celebrations

Leaving all your lights and electric Christmas ornaments turned on 24 hours a day can balloon your energy bills. Heater and other appliances should also be used in an equalized level.


Photo by Craftiest of Women via Pinterest

Celebrate without burning energy costs overnight. Simple things like insulating and keeping cool with fans, washing clothes in cool water, using LED lights and keeping unused appliances unplug can do the trick.


5.     Travel Smartly and Eco-friendly

Instead of driving or taking a cab, help make this holiday season even greener by taking public transportation to visit attractions or even when going out for a grocery or a short trip. Opting to commute can help lower the carbon dioxide emissions per passenger than traveling by a hybrid car.


Photo by Refinery29 via Pinterest


If you’re not comfortable to commute, then carpool is one of your best choices.  It saves you money, reduces time spent on the road and contributes to making the environment celebrate holidays from toxic chemicals too.


To have an environmentally friendly holiday seems to require a lot of work and sacrifices, but in fact, it is easy when you’re really into it. It just boils down to a few key habits and smart choices and a lot of concern with our loved ones and the environment.

With these green habits, no act is too small. Start greenifying your holidays as early as now.


Roger Gallager is a Daily Caller contributor. Follow him @RogerGallager



Carbon Monoxide – The Silent Killer

By: Guest Contributor, Penny Atkinson

Carbon monoxide is not only harmful to humans but it is one of the six major air pollutants. Whenever carbon-based fuels burn such as coal, wood and oil, carbon monoxide is produced. Carbon monoxide affects the atmosphere’s ability to cleanse itself of other polluting gases and can consequently cause damage to the Ozone layer.


We are taking steps to protect our environment against this gas by using renewable energy, but how can it affect us at home and what are we doing to protect ourselves?


Carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for 50 deaths and a further 200 hospitalisations each year in England and Wales, but a staggering 52% of homes don’t have a carbon monoxide detector to protect themselves from this risk. The substance can kill by slowing down the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen to body tissues and vital organs. Without oxygen your body tissue and cells die.


This gas is commonly referred to as the silent killer due to its lack of colour, taste or smell. This alone signals how important it is to install a detector as it’s difficult to identify otherwise. Poorly maintained household equipment such as gas cookers or old boilers can be culprits from carbon monoxide leaks.


In 2010, Katie Haines died of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning after a faulty boiler leaked the poisonous gas into her home while she took a bath. This year two young missionaries, Yu Peng Xiong and Connor Benjamin Thredgold, died in their apartment after a faulty water indoor heater caused a carbon monoxide leakage.


25% of carbon monoxide poisoning deaths affect adults 65 years and older who usually have pre-existing health conditions that affect the respiratory and circulatory system. The presence of such a condition significantly reduces the victim’s tolerance to carbon monoxide and increases the risk of fatality. Even if you breathe in a small amount of carbon monoxide it can be harmful, especially to those in such vulnerable groups. However carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly no matter of what age, proven by the accidental deaths of Katie Haines and the missionaries.


The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning  include nausea, poor concentration, apathy, flu-like symptoms and vertigo. It is essential you seek medical advice from an emergency medical team if you notice any of the above. This is especially poignant in pregnant women as a study has shown that foetal death and brain damage happen when carbon monoxide levels in the mother are high enough to make her lose consciousness.


To avoid health problems or worse caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, regularly check for the warning signs such as condensation on windows and pilot lights that frequently blow out. It is also recommended to install a carbon monoxide detector – which a shocking 62% of homes currently don’t have. For more information, see the guide.


Image credit: My Boiler Service.

Penny Atkinson is an online writer and editor covering a range of subjects from environmental issues, energy saving and healthy living. Connect with her on Twitter @PennysPennies